Larkspur historical Society
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Sarah Coberly  was born in 1822 and married James Coberly at seventeen.  Sarah, James and their four children joined a wagon train in 1859, as some of  the 59-ers headed for Colorado  gold country,  ultimately  settling  in  Huntsville  near present day Larkspur.  Sarah was the first white woman in the Pikes Peak region.  Known for her high intelligence and industriousness, Sarah was her own independent woman. She divorced two husbands in Colorado and made the way for herself and children, operating the Coberly Half-Way-House in Huntsville.  She was close friends with DC and Olive Oakes as well as Silas Soule who testified against Col. John Chivington regarding the infamous Sand Creek Massacre.   Sarah’s two sons operated the Coberly Cattle Company in Colorado.  Sarah’s oldest daughter Hersa married Homer Lea and they had three children of their own.  Sarah ultimately moved to California, marrying Clarkson Start and died in San Jose in 1998.