Larkspur historical Society
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Perry Park

A Beautiful Summer Resort Located Amid Many Picturesque Natural Attractions

Within an hour's drive of Larkspur, a station on the Denver & Rio Grande and the A. T. & S. F. railroads, nine miles south of Castle Rock, is situated Perry Park, which in natural attractions has few, if any superiors in the state. Bountifully supplied with pure and sparkling water and protected on the west by the Front Range mountain, it forms a quite romantic resting place for those who wish a pleasant summer's outing free from the annoyances of business.

The Park is fitted with many remarkable rock formations (read about Sentinel Rock) equal in unique grandeur to those of the better known, but not more attractive, Garden of the Gods. That place is entirely arid and therefore uninhabitable, while Perry Park, as has been said, is amply provided with water, is easily accessible, and is a most enjoyable place of resort.

The handsome Nanichant Inn at this point was reopened this year, after being thoroughly renovated. Under the excellent management it has gained popularity, and throughout the season the demand for accommodations exceeded the capacity of the house.

This article appeared in the newspaper & Castle Rock Journal 1900 Dec. 21st and was part of a larger article entitled “Douglas County and Castle Rock”