Larkspur historical Society
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Divide Grange

According to the Colorado State Grange History Book, the Divide Grange No. 53, located in Spring Valley, was organized February 18, 1874. The group later incorporated in 1878. The grangers were a strong force in this tiny settlement. A grange store housed in the blacksmith and post office building was run by a Jacob Geiger, selling everything from "Ranche Produce" to farm implements. Two of the faces that can be positively identified are master Jacob Geiger, holding the gavel, and John Geiger, sitting down by the books on the table. The regalia worn by the members reflects their position in the organization. Clothing in this picture indicates the photo was taken circa 1878, and most likely many of these grangers were original settlers of Spring Valley as the Geiger's were.

Divide Grange No. 53

Divide Grange No. 53